Circuit Technology


Human Brain Technology
Circuit Technology

HCI: Reducing Biases and​ Stigma Through Technology

creator : Zandra belmonte

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Lineless Artisanal Flowers

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This website is a response to the world of technology. Technology is imbedded ​into our way of living and will not be gone anytime soon. Among this new age, ​researchers and users have come across psychological consequences. Needless ​to say, we are not doomed. People are imperfect, as we know, and people are ​creating AI, media, and all other forms of tech. In this creation process, we can ​leave a fragment of our way of thinking behind. We are filled with judgments and ​biases, most of which we are unaware of on a conscious level. It is worrisome, ​but with this knowledge, we can further develop technology to battle this ​problem and others to arise. This website will provide you with resources such ​as scholarly articles, fun platforms, professional platforms, and websites that ​are actively finding ways to reduce stigmas and biases within ourselves and ​technology. There is hope for improvement in humanity and human computer ​interacton.

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Reducing ​stigma with ..​

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Article Title

Raising Awareness of Stereotyping ​Through Collaborative Digital ​Storytelling: Design for Change with and ​for Children

Digital ​Storytelling

Key Takeaways:

  • Representation and Awareness are important for ​minority groups who may not have a large role in ​media and are fighting negative stereotypes.
  • Perspective taking allows users to imagine ​themselves as the underrepresented character. ​Ultimately, challenging biases and opening the ​mind.
  • Facilitates discussions and creates a space where ​one is comfortable to share their own stories
  • Companies can use storytelling to reduce stigma ​of products (ex: lingerie) click “AND MORE”

article title

Designing a Digital StoryTelling Platform ​to Detect Gender Stereotypes

Make your own digital story


Share your story!


Freeform Handdrawn WOC Mother Storytelling


Destigmatize ​lingerie

Light Ray Illustration


spotlight gradient icon

Article: Raising Awareness of Stereotyping ​Through Collaborative Digital Storytelling: ​Design for Change with and for Children

Background: Gender representation in literature and media have a ​powerful influence on ideas of gender status. Gender through ​stereotypes effects how children perceive themselves and their ​aspirations. Storytelling has a unique capacity to endorse sympathetic ​imagination and envision the perspective of others.

Study: Group of students, ages 11-12, were prompted with a series of ​activities. Fairytale market- children present and can exchange their ​sketched characters. Children collaborated with digital tool to create a ​storyline with intro, conflict. resolution, conclusion. They were told to ​play the “what if “game; Trompe l'oeil, where they switched the gende​r of character and reflected on changes to the story. Last, the​re was empathetic reflection induced by detail in character emotion and r​ole in ​p​lot.

Results: Kids engaged in the stereotypes learned through med​ia and books. Making children reflect on the impact of characters’ gen​der on their agency in the story, unveils the influential role of ​gender stereotypes. The agency lens demonstrated to be key to ch​anging children’s perception of a character’s role in the story and it can h​ave an actual impact on the perception of their own iden​t​ity.

In both articles, they used Role, Embodiment, ​Personality, Agency, and Emotion as an ​evaluation method. It became especially useful ​in targeting stereotypes in storytelling but also ​implemented in developing more useful stories.

Role: examines a character's primary function in the ​narrative, such as Protagonist, Antagonist, Antagonist ​Helper, or Protagonist Helper.

Embodiment: centers on the physical representation of ​characters, encompassing both visual and textual elements, ​like feminine traits such as cuteness or masculine attributes ​like aggressive posture.

Personality: delves into a character's demeanor and values. ​For instance, female characters may be depicted as socially ​adept, while male characters might exhibit active traits.

Agency: assesses a character's capacity to impact the story's ​progression, gauged by their level of involvement and ​influence on events.

Emotion: focuses on the feelings directed towards the ​characters in the story


Using Intersectional Representation & ​Embodied Identification in Standard Video ​Game Play to Reduce Societal Biases

8-Bit Video Game Star


Key Takeaways:

  • Video game diversity representation is ​just as important as other forms of ​media
  • Collaborative experiences can increase ​empathy and understanding of different ​social groups
  • Confronting one’s biases and even ​defeating them metaphorically in a ​game can be a foundation for change
  • Virtual reality can amplify empathy and ​allow user to take on new


Article & Vi​deo

Reducing Mental Health Stigma Through ​Identification With Video Game Avatars ​With Mental Illness

Watch me



Video and Arti​cle

How Virtual Reality is Deactivating​ Unconcious Bias ​

Playful Style Esports Gaming PC Front
Stage Light

Game ​Spotlight

The study recruited 198 participants from a ​university in the Southeastern U.S. They were ​divided into groups: one played a video game ​depicting mental illness, while the other watched ​recordings of the game. The game, "Hellblade: ​Senua’s Sacrifice," was used for its portrayal of ​mental health issues created alongside ​psychiatrists.

Dependent measures gauged stigma against ​mental illness via stereotyping and desire for ​social distance .Mediating factors included ​transportation and identification, measured ​through narrative engagement and player ​identification scales. Control variables accounted ​for perceived game difficulty and personal ​contact with mental health issues.

Stigma against mental illness was assessed using ​adapted scales, while transportation and ​identification were measured through narrative ​engagement and player identification scales. ​Control variables included perceived game ​difficulty and personal contact with mental ​health issues.

Playing the video game increased ​participants' sense of being ​immersed in the story world ​(transportation). This deep ​engagement led to a stronger ​connection with the main character, ​reducing the desire for social ​distance from individuals with ​mental illness. Importantly, the ​measurement of social distance ​didn't focus on a specific diagnosis, ​suggesting that playing as a ​character with mental illness ​positively impacted overall ​perceptions of mental health. ​However, identifying with the ​character did not change held ​stereotypes about mental illness, ​contrary to expectations. Further ​exploration is needed to understand ​how stereotyping might be affected ​apart from violence-related ​perceptions.


The role of AI in mitigating bias to ​enhance diversity and inclusion

platform and​ article

AI​ Model to Detect Biases

Artificial Intelligence Icon

AI and Testing Biases

Key Takeaways:

  • Humans are filled with unconsious biases that may be ​passed on to AI
  • Organizations can use AI to idenitfy biases in AI (tech on ​tech solutions)
  • Ai can reduce hiring biases by taking out humans from ​the process; therefore, removing the possibility of bias.
  • Online test or the IAT can

uncover the implicit biases

we are unaware about and

through this knowledge

can challenge them.

Ted Talk

Combat Systematic Racism

Online test

Probe your Tech

Male and Female Doctors

The goal of this idea is to approach how to ​minimize cognitive biases such as availability ​heuristic, anchoring heuristic, framing effects, and ​blind obedience.

An AI system can provide personalized and ​evidence-based recommendations to clinicians and ​patients in real time, overcoming cognitive biases. ​It considers various patient data, including ​complaints, physical findings, co-morbid ​conditions, medications, allergies, and lab tests. By ​comparing this data to a large clinical database, the ​system can identify patterns, predict outcomes, ​create a differential diagnosis, suggest further ​testing, and propose a treatment plan. This ​automated approach avoids the cognitive biases ​that currently affect healthcare delivery.

Technology can reinforce ​stigma and biases

But don’t forget....

"The findings suggest that ​digital data systems ​reinforce gender bias and ​act as a vehicle for social ​violence towards ​marginalized ​communities."

Key Takeaways:

  • Media consumers are more likely to ​blame an individual for the illness.
  • There’s an overgeneralization of ​what symptoms should look like.
  • It is oversimplified and ​inaccurately portrayed in media.
  • There’s direct impact of media on ​individual user (ex: self-​diagnosing)

Online test

IAT (Implicit Association ​Test)

test Your Biases